Friday, August 19, 2011

Indian bloggers

 list of Indian bloggers worldwide.

When I started blogging I could not find too many Indian bloggers. I started this list to keep track of the growing number of Indian bloggers worldwide. And boy, are they growing!

I am not taking in any new submissions as of now.

I asked for a call for help to maintain this list and got loads of bloggers volunteering. I hope to get back on track soon with the list. Thanks to all those who sent in mails!!

***Thank you!***
This list won the Best Indiblog Directory at the Indibloggies 2003. Thanks to all those who voted for it.


Aasha of Living Life as It Comes.

Abhi Malani, 17-year-old blogger. Location: Mumbai, India.

Ajay of Scratchpad. Where he scribbles his thoughts.

Akhila of Whispering Wind. Location: US.

Alok Kumar has a Hindi blog. Might be India’s first! Location: Bangalore.

Amit Asaravala of Location: USA.

Amrita of Margarita's in the Sky. Born on July 11, 1984. Location: Mumbai, India.

Anita Bora of Just A Little Something. The person behind this painstakingly compiled list of bloggers! Location: Bangalore, India.

Anupma Bakshi of Sunny Side Up. A blog of her ideas in her orbit. Location: New Delhi, India.

Anusha of Mirch Masala is a computer science student. Location: Minneapolis, USA.

Ankur of Ankur's Journal. Location: USA.

Ananthanarayanan S of I’m no Superman!. Random ramblings of a confused homo-sapien inhabiting the 3rd rock from the sun. Location: Ohio, USA.

Anil Dash. Admits that he loves the sound of his own voice. I'm sure you'll love it too. Location: USA.

Anand of It's My Life. Thinks he's a philosopher. But also admits to being a confused soul. Location: Chennai (currently in the USA).

Angsuman of The Simple World of Angsuman. Technology primarily, but not exclusively, centered around Java TM technologies.

Anupriyo of Anu(e)scape. Born in Kolkata and now works as an Independent Consultant in the US of A.

Amit Agarwal of, a log with a twist of Hindi and English. Location: New Delhi.

Ashish Amresh of Lafoot.

Aashish of Ashification. (On hiatus). Location: Chennai.

Ashok Hariharan of Location: Nairobi, Africa.

Arnab Nandi of Blogsnob. fame has a new blog. Location: Delhi.

Ashish of The Laughing Buddha. A sports fanatic who tends to get very philosophical! Location: Mumbai.

Arun currently a student of Computer Science at Tirunelveli. Location: Tamil Nadu, India.

Arun Bhat of Surplus Musings. He’s hoping to win the jackpot one of these days, so he can travel full time! Location: Bangalore.

Aaditya Sood. “Not all those who wander are lost*gnu.”

Ajay DSouza, an engineering student into Web design. Location: Mumbai.

Amit Karmakar. You can also visit his gallery. Location: Australia.

Anand. an occassional blogger, works at Oracle in Redwood Shores, CA. He promises a few cool pictures. Nothing in excess. Location: USA.

Anant Jain. Location: Bangalore.

Anu of Obscure Symphony. Location: Atlanta, GA.

Ajit Asif and his thoughts and scribbles. Location: Mumbai.

Amar and his way of shouting out the “small things in life which are in everybody’s thoughts but don’t find expression because of social restrictions”. Location: Calcutta.

Annirudha of aNYa Blogs!. “Read what I want you to think what I think.” Location: Duluth, MN.

Arvind of C:\ Location: Abu Dhabi.

Ashish, ‘coz life rocks!

Atul, a Hindi blog about funny experiences in USA. Location: Philadelphia, USA.

Atul (Atool) of The Heavenly Abode. Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.

Austereseeker of Why blog is the q’

Ari writes about food, script writing, driving and his other passions. Location: Chennai.

Anand of Mdeii Life. A student of media. blogging about his passion for film making and life in general. Location: Chennai.

Avi of Thought Garden. His thoughts, muses, amuses and contemplations.

Aadisht Khanna, an engineering student at Thapar Insititute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala.

Abhimanyu Chirimar of Vritti. Aimed at students and their issues and showcases photography from a number of people (non-students as well). Location: Ontario, Canada.

Pleomorphous of Bloughts. A blog of thoughts. Thoughts are like blots of ink. Sometimes tiny, sometimes large. Sometimes ambiguous ... sometimes just blots. Location: Chennai, India.

Aravind of The Jokaland Chronicles. Gives a view of the life of a student in a premier MBA institute, the fun, the struggles and the opportunities available. Location: Calcutta

Abhi Tripathi of Inside the Mind of Madness. A political/philosophical/comedic blog, which reports the daily news via his own musings. Location: Los Angeles, CA, USA.

Arun Kumar of Mundane Musings. Location: San Diego, California, USA.

Anant of Writer’s Blog. Electronics engineer writes about poetry, movies, philosophy (e.g. Calvin and Hobbes). Location: Bangalore.

Abhimanyu of Jim…’s Own. Location: Hyderabad, India.

Amit of The Grok is a undergrad computer science student and a sci-fi fan. Location: Chennai, India.

Amit and his Europe 2003 travelogue.


Bala Murali. Writes on blogs, knowledge management, enterprise software and open source.

Bijoy. Getting lyrical about everything - love, loss, longing, music… Location: Mumbai.

Balaji of Emoticon. Location: Hyderabad.

Bala Pitchandi of Bala’s Ramblings 2.0. Just something for you to chew on - computers, technology, gadgets, interesting things he encounters.

Badri. Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

Balaji tracing the daily steps online in
politics, arts and entertainment. Location: Boston/Tamil Nadu.

Bharani of Revelations - My thoughts and Me. “A soft board to pin up my scribblings, random thoughts, inspired words and links to pages that interest me.” Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

Bored Dude writes about what’s happening in Mumbai and about life working in a MNC. Location: Mumbai.


Chakra of Regular Ramblings. From Chennai. Current location: Bournemouth, UK.

Chris Martin of Intelligent Life. Culture, literature, philosophy, film and correct spelling. Location: Atlanta, USA.

Chirag Patnaik of A Blog Formerly Known as My Ramblings and Rants. Marketing, media and other such fun stuff.

Chand of the Dark Side of Chand. Blog of a 'simple guy with complex tastes' (Copyright Bill Watterson).

ChandraChoodan of Selective Amnesia. Location: Chennai.

Chandru Rajagopalan of Abstract Thoughts. An earnest endeavor to put forth his thoughts on technology, science, art, religion, spiritualism, humor, news etc.


Deepak of Words from Down Under. Location: Melbourne, Australia.

Deepali of Just Some Stuff. Some idle chatter. Location: Pune.

Deki of Idreamz. Where she talks about whatever catches her fancy, her interactions with the world, her Tibetan heritage and her dreams. Location: Bangalore, India

Debashish of Null Pointer. Where he writes about java, Internet and other things. Also, maintains a Hindi blog at Nukta Chini.

Dina Mehta of Conversations with Dina. Location: Mumbai.

Dinesh’s Journal. Studying in Israel, writes about stuff from a personal perspective. Location: Israel.

Deepan of Mind of an Unmarried Man. How does he function’ What makes him tick’ Find out on his blog. Location: New Delhi.

Devinder Dhillon of My Mental Landscape. Location: US.

Deepak blogs about hints, allegations and things left unsaid... Location: Bangalore, India.

Deepak Kumar and his general personal gossip. His other blogs are onEnterprise Application Development and MS .NET.
Divyesh Lavingia of Divman. Sun. Snow, hockey and other musings of a 21 year old IT professional living in the West Coast. Location: Vancouver, Canada.


Entelechy on Books. A blog about passion for reading.

Elaichi of Brain cells gone awry. "Manifestations of my mind ...brain cells gone awry projecting my thoughts to the dark beyond ..." (On hiatus).


Foolmaker. Originally from Secunderabad. Would like to remain anonymous for the moment! Location: New York.


George Thomas of Beware of the Blog.

Gaurav Sabnis of Stray Musings. “Just penning (or rather keying) down the stray thoughts that bound about in my big head.”

Gorgeous Diva of Come to My Window.

Guru of Scribbles of a Lazy Geek. Blah, Blah on everything that interests him intellectually.

GBS of Chaotic Solitude. Inside every (wo)man there is a constant urge to find a structure in chaos.

Gursimran Arora and Everything that Matters. Location: New Delhi, India.

Gaurav of Blink an Eye. Life as an aspiring entrepreneur and his perception of various issues. Location: Hyderabad.

Ganesh of Sailing Boat. Location: Bangalore.

Gautam and his take on the profound and the irrelevant, his professional blog. His personal blog can be found at Storm in a Coffee Mug.

Gargi of POV. Location: Mumbai.


Harish of BVHK’s Lair. Location: Haryana.

Harris who’s Jostling on a Jagged Edge.

Harsh of Dare 2 Dream. Software engineer writing about ideas, technology and himself. Location: Mumbai, India.

Hemant Thakkar of Confessions of a Puneri. Pursuing an MS in Polymer Engineering at the University of Akron, Ohio, USA.

Haripriya and Indira of Melange. Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful. Inhale the fragrance of this Melange (potpourri) and savour all its nuances! Location: Pune, India and Piscataway, New Jersey.

Hirak Parikh and his Little Voice. Unraveling the mysteries of life through a box of chocolates.

Harish Narayanan of Where I scream. You can too. The dull day of yet another grad student. Location: Ann Arbor, USA.

Harshad of Just Another Blog. Location: San Diego, USA.

Hemanth of Nice Guy Hemanth. Location: Long Island, USA.

Hitanshu - "I have seen the light and it Blinded me. Ouch!"


Ishan of The Other Side of Cool. Searching for a definition. Location: Michigan, USA.


Jag of Route 79. Reflections on a bus journey home. And don’t miss his great Indian recipes! Location: UK.

Jaina of Ravished. Born on 13th July, 1984. Location: London, England.

Jish of Is of Indian origin, currently lives in the San Fransicso Bay Area and says this about himself: "I am an optimist, my glass is almost full.” Location: USA.

Jivha of The Tongue - “’..a loose, forked, pseudo-secular, tail-piece and a poor loser!” Location: Bangalore.

JK of Varnam: JK’s Observations. Location: Kerela.

Jigsha of Chai at Six. Indian, born in Zambia. Highlights of his life. Location: Tennesse, US.

JustzzzZen of One Hand Clapping. Location: Toronto, Canada.


Kamat of Kamat’s Potpourri. “Computing, Libraries, Tennis, India & other interests of Vikas Kamat”.

Karthik of Today's Crap will try and enlighten you on all spheres. Location: Chennai.

Kaushik of Random Notes. “On media, travel, photography, Bay Area tidbits, South Asian/US politics, the business of Technology and my everyday life.” Location: USA.

Kensy Joseph of The Lethargic IITian. Musings of a 20something lethargic IITian on India, secularism, chess, catholicism and ocassionally technology and life.

Khushee of Serendipity. Location: Sydney, Australia.

Kiruba Shankar. This is what he says about himself: “A part geek, part dodo. I dabble a little in technology, a little in writing and a lot in pfaffing ( as if you haven’t figured out yet ).” Location: Chennai.

Kingsley Jegan who blogs on usability and design issues, among other things. Location: Chennai.

Krishna of Crawls and Thoughts. Location: Bangalore.

Kumaraguru of the Muse Log. Read his musings related to news, culture, science, technology and a wide variety of other topics. Location: Chennai.

Kanags of And Miles to go Before I Sleep - “the hitchhikers guide to me, my ramblings, my miles past, and the road not yet taken.” Location: Singapore.

Karthick Seshu Tanveer of Ex-pressions In Solitude. It’s all about his thoughts, opinions, experiences and findings.
Location: Texas, USA.

Karthik writes about anything under the sun. Location: Chicago, USA.

K Shyam of Yet another blogger. A little bit of a nerd a little bit of a geek and a little bit of that complete man! Location: Chennai/Bangalore.


Lakshmi R of the Exponding Board. “A place where I put in all I feel, experience and read.”

Lazy Lump. Just a blog where he writes as and when something comes to his mind. Location: Hyderabad.


Mahesh Shantaram of Epiphany. Location: Washington DC, USA.

Madhu aka Madman. Pays more attention to his restaurant these days! Location: Bangalore.

Madhoo of Dancing with the Dogs. Location: Canada.

Mamatha Meka of the Invisible Log is not really invisible anymore! Location: MN, USA.

Mathangi of Le Chaim. A window sill, a few crumbs, a pigeon and a puppy... don't forget the book and the chips.

Minnie of Minnie's Journal, a freelance writer/ illustrator.

Manoj Khanna at IndiaRapidBlogOpen SourcePMP and
Words. Location: San Ramon, CA, USA.

Mithun of Cerebral Emissions. Graduate student at Rochester, NY, USA.

Manish of Damn Foreigner. "Look at things from my somewhat unique perspective". Location: San Fransisco, USA.

Muthu of Muthu on the Net. “Let me bathe my soul in colours; let me swallow the sunset and drink the rainbow.” Location: Chennai.

Madhujit Ghosh of Mindful Musings. “I write about my personal journey through life completing a Masters degree, life in America, love for my parents, my girlfriend, my dog and code. You can also visit his Weblog Tools Collection where he posts his own code and scripts, ideas about code and research on usability, reviews on weblogging software and add-on scripts and templates. Location: Toledo, USA.

Manish Verma writes about IIT-JEE & IIT. Location: Bhopal.

Melody. Location: Mumbai.

Meenaks of Meenaks' Musings, “A Tamil blog, where I publish my poems and generally muse about different things” and Snapshots from MIT, an English blog with “experiences of my undergraduate student days at the Madras Institute of Technology, Anna University, Chennai.” Location: Bangalore.

Muthu, a Tamil blog that discusses everything from literature to science and technology.


Nancy of Under the Firestar. An expatriate on Indian culture. Location: Chennai, India.

Nidhi of Sunshine. Celebrating the spirit of an Indian woman. Location: Mumbai.

Nilesh Chaudhari of A techie blog with a sprinkle of personal posts. Also maintains a photolog at Shutterbug. Location: Mumbai.

Nina of Kissed by Rain. Location: San Fransisco.

Nikki of the Faraway Tree. Location: Mumbai.

Nikhil of Keep it simple, stupid.

Nikita Agarwal of Nikita's Nuances. Musings about life, love and what-have-you. Born on May 6, 1977. Location: Pune/ Mumbai.

Naveen Bachwani of Open Mind. Uncommon perspectives, interesting technologies and life in general.

Navneet Nair of enterFrame. Mostly Flash and HCI. Sometimes talks about blogging and life in general. Location: Mumbai.

Nelson Vinod Moses of Twilight Glade. Location: Bangalore.

Nikhil and the life of an avid quizzer and an engineering student interested in just about everything. Location: Pune.

Nikita and the Calm Before the Storm. Location: Dubai, UAE.

Nitin Pai of The Acorn, ‘ex-pressions of an opinionated mind’. Deals with foreign affairs, national security and the economy. Location: Singapore


Onkar of Shifting Sands.

Obscure of Labyrinths. Lost in the labyrinths of thoughts, obscured by nothingness!


Priya of Mansi, a native American name meaning plucked flower. Location: New Delhi.

Prashant Kothari is trying to find his voice. He claims his web log has style, substance and a whole slew of other such attributes. Location: Washington, DC, USA.

Prabhu Ram of Infoserve. An independent IP Analyst. His myriad interest areas include genetically modified crops, Knowledge Management and Intellectual Asset Management. Location: Delhi, India.

Priya of the Lucky Charm. Born in 1987. Location: Canada.

Poornima of the Rainbow Reading Room. Graphics and designing are her hobbies and she keeps changing the look and feel of her blog to reflect that! Location: USA

Pradeep BS of Pleonasm.

Prashant of The Book of Injuns. Very well designed blog. Prashant says he talks to himself because no one else does. So do say hello. Location: Philadelphia area, USA.

Praveen of the Neoalchemist. “A personal opinion of the books I read, Movies I see and an opinion about anything and everything.” Location: UK

Preeti of Bubblestar. Location: New Jersey, US.

Prasenjeet Dutta of ChaosZone. Spends a lot of time around computers. Location: Chennai.

Pooja Shirolkar of You and I.

Prakash Dantuluri writes about the Great Indian Dream. He also maintains a more technical blog called The Unified Blog Theory.

Patrix of Nerve Endings Firing Away relflects on life as a student. Location: Atlanta, USA.

Pallavi of Potpourri of Thoughts. Travelling, writing and life in general. Location: Bangalore.

Padmaja Chaurasia of Kahi Ankahi. A Hindi blog.

Pranshu and his collection of weird thoughts and poems for lovely friends. You can also find him here. Location: Kanpur.

Praveen comments on current issues. Location: Jamshedpur.

Puneet writes on technology and astrology.



Radhika of Shady Lady says there are more shades to her than you will ever know. Makes sense to go check out her claim! Location: CA, USA

Ramanand of Clipboard Conversations. He writes: ‘Is blogging the messianic solution for a muddled mind Stick with me to find out...’

Ramkumar Duraikannu of Right Ho!. A graduate student studying for his computer science. Location:Sacramento/CA/USA.

Radhika of Just Like That. She’s got a great style, and has got herself a nice new place. Location: UK.

Radhika S. of All for a Smile. Basically into multimedia. You may find anything that has amused/intrigued her on her web log Location: Chennai.

Raghu of All My Blah.

Rajesh Jain of on emerging technologies, enterprises and markets. Location: Mumbai.

Raj Mohan’s blog on one of India’s best loved authors Ruskin Bond.

Rajiv of Mixed Signals. Location: US.

Ranjith Menon of Soul Delight.

Ramakrishnan M and his activity log. Location: Bangalore.

Ravi Kiran of My Examined Life where he examines the world and his life reflects back at him. Born on 11 March 1975. Location: Mumbai.

Rohini of Baby's Day Out where you can get a peek into the life of a teen. Perhaps, the youngest of our growing blogging community. Location: Mumbai.

Robert Nagle of Asiafirst contains essays in English about contemporary art and culture of India and China, with a special focus on high-quality writing. Location: Austin, TX, USA.

Rajagopal of Sporadic Jottings. Location: Chennai.

Ritu of :) Hmm. Location: Canada.

Rushi Desai of Hyporg's Journal. A computer geek reflects on life, society and culture. He loves to eat and listen to music. He dreams ofGoingToAmerica like thousands of other Indian students and yet despites them for being cliche. Location: Mumbai.

Radhika of Radhika's Journal.

Rajan of Rajan’s Ramblings. His ideas and thoughts on technology, business and other topics that constantly feed his thinking.

Ridhish of Canberra times, by a desi. Personal journal of a 20-something year old from the down under. Location: Canberra, Australia

Rajiv of Rajspace.Org blogs about his works, the web and Google! Location: Bangalore.

Reuben Abraham of Zoo Station. Blog on life, the universe and everything in between. Location: NYC, USA.

Raj Shekhar of Forever.

Ramdhan attempts to increase the scope of his though process by observing happenings in his life, India, America and around the world. He can also be found at Enterprise Stuff, an Indian technical gang trying to explore the enterprise across the world so as to change their lives by providing solutions.

Rohan of The Tower of Babel. Location: New York, USA.

Rohan George of Viralfish. Location: Hyderabad.

Ramesh Narayanaswamy. Rants, raves and other random articulations.

Rajeev of Thoughts Etcetera.

Rohit’s Bubble, a bubbly blog, updated almost daily! Location: New Delhi, India.


S Anand. "I like mathematical puzzles, listening to tamil film songs, and watching movies" writes Anand who works with BCG. Location: Mumbai.

Sameer of Supersam Blogs. ‘Just another average techie with opinions to air and rantings to vent.’ Location: Mumbai.

Sayan maintains a technology oriented weblog. A student of computer science. Location: New Delhi.

Shuchita of A Faineant's Tale. Just random thoughts. Location: Pune.

Sathish and Ranjani of Random Thoughts. A voice for both their thoughts and doubts. Location: Bangalore.

Satyen Kale of Random Walks. : Puneite, who studied in IIT Bombay, he will be joining Princeton University in September. Born on 25th January, 1980.

Sajit Gandhi of DesiBlog. He was born in Massachusetts and now works at the NSA. Location: Washington DC, USA.

Sonal of Just Me. ‘Why’ .. because it's summer and i'm bored..’ Location: Colorado, US.

Shiva of the Immigrant Song. Currently blogging from Boston. Loves palak paneer. Location: Boston, USA.

Shyam of Meticulously Underthought. Aka Codelust, he is a journalist by profession but is not really sure about it either. Location: New Delhi.

Sindhi of And I Dream. A 19-year-old Indian college student, loves music and considers it food to the soul. Sleeps with headphones. Location: Singapore.

Suman Kumar of Yak Pad. "Me and my crazy mind and some incoherent scribble."

Shailesh Kuber of Kuber’s Kaleidoscope. A journalist. Location: Mumbai.

Sharma, Monica and Deepak of Webjives. Their purpose is to use their site as a technical playground to host information for fellow software developers. Location: Columbus, OH, USA.

Smitha of Let’s Try This Again. She writes: ‘I'm (for all intents and purposes) a liberal arts girl at an engineering school, a dreamer, and a lover of science fiction and fantasy.’

Sylvia of Nostalgica. She writes: ‘A little kingdom I possess, Where thoughts and feelings dwell; And very hard the task I find Of governing it well -- Louisa May Alcott. hmmm....that more or less describes my situation!!’ Location: Mumbai.

Srijith K of The Third Eye. Writes about anything under the sun’ Location: Singapore.

Suman Palit of The Kolkata Libertarian. From the banks of the Hooghly, to a treestand in Illinois’Location: Illinois, USA.

Sunil Doshi of Wide Pipe. Facts about him: “I’m 26. I design web sites for a living. I live in Washington, DC Area. I love dogs. I love my family. And most of all, I love my wife.” Location: Washington DC, USA.

Srinivas of Red Flag. Location: New Delhi.

Sachin Nair. Catch him musing about anything and everything.

Sundeep of Beyond the Obvious. Location: Hong Kong.

Sangeeta of Thoughts. Location: Hyderabad.

Sachin Joshi blogs on .net and related technologies.

Sanjay and his Coding Tips oriented at providing and linking to various tips and resources that will ease the lives of software developers.

Sandip Shahane of
Sandy UwachSshahaneWelcome to the Circus and Word Power Made Easy.

Swami of Asymptotes. Location: Chennai.

Shamit Bagchi of Intellect's Edge of Chaos. Jottings of anything that is intellectually stimulating.

Sheetal of My Space.

Shashank of Frood Chronicle. Location: Chennai, India.

Shyamal of For your daily dose of pixels! Location: Virginia, USA.

Suman of Akela. You can also find him here.

Stephanie Booth of Climb to the Stars. Lived in Pune while studying Eastern culture/ religion/ language, as a part of her studies. She has documented her travels and stay in India and it's worth a read. Location: Switzerland.

Suba aka Sue. Location, CA, USA.

Sid rambles, muses and writes here. A financial analyst. Location: Mumbai.

Sree Lakshmi of My Daily Life. Location: Chennai.

Swesha of Chain of Thoughts. An Indian girl studying in France, originally from Delhi and lived in Africa. Location: France.

Swarat of Aesthesis, colors for a troubled world. Location: Philadelphia, USA.

Sapna Bhargava of the Bombay Times. Location: Ohio, USA.

Seema Pai of The Worm’s Lair soon to embark on her Phd. Location: LA, USA.

Shobha V of I, Me and Media. Pursuing her Bachelors in Mass Media. Location: Mumbai.

Sagar of Bookmarks of Life. Location: NY, USA.

Shradha of I Scribble Here. An Indian student in Japan.

Siddharth of The Soothsayer. Location: Somewhere between Colorado and Pune.

Sathish of I am the alpha and the omega. Undergrad student of electrical engineering at IIT, Madras who loves gaming, reading, music, FRIENDS and trains. Location: Chennai.

Sumedh of the Fourth wave. Articles on technology, politics, sociology and Indian music. Location: CA, USA.

Samrat of Sam’s Journal. Gamer/geek/dreamer. Location: New Delhi.

Sagar Rajgopal of A momentary lapse of reason. Raves and rant of an MBA student at the Asian Institute of Management. Location: Manila, Philippines.

Shrini of Shrini’s Blog. Political and economical issues. Location: Chennai.

Suruj Dutta and his Psychobabble. Location: UK.

Sadagopan focuses on emerging trends, technology and thoughts. Location: Singapore.

Saurab Dogra of Sunrays and Saturdays.

Shalini Akhil of Kai India. Location: Australia.

Sharon, looking at everything upside down. Location: Mumbai.

Shreenath of Pande’s Web World. Location: Bangalore.

Sriram of South Indian Rhythm. Location: Chennai.

Sridevi - just a bunch of thoughts on anything and everything under the sun. Location: Mumbai.

Sukanya M and her Notes from France. Location: France.

Suhit of the World is Green.

Suneel. Location: Akron, USA.

Sushubh of the Mind of a Weird Guy. Is all about him, his life and the various facets of this world that interests him. Location: Panchkula.


Third Person of The Oars. Paddling through a sea of thoughts.

Tarun (Anjaan Musafir) of My Lonely Planet. “Shadow of thoughts come out from my soul and they create my lonely planet.”

Tassadar of The Beginning of an End. The daily countdown to the "end of days". Location: Mumbai


Umair Salam of BrainDroppings. His Indian connection is his dad who was born in Bangalore! Location: Canada.

Ullas Nair of Random Events.

Uma of All in a day's work.


Veena of Waris.

Vibhendu Tiwari of Pending Thoughts. Life does not have to be perfect to be wonderful. Inhale the fragrance of this M’lange (potpourri) and savour all its nuances! Location: Pune, India.

Vipul Sharma of Blogworld. Location: Chennai.

Vikram of Memory Lane. Thoughts, memories, observations, jokes. Location: Pune, India

Vinay Jain of Hindi on the Web.

VeerChand Bothra of Knowledge Eldorado. Born on November 9, 1976. Location: Mumbai.

Vignesh of Rock My World.

Vamsi Nath of He's a second generation Indian born in the US.

Vijay Venkatesh of Vijay's Ramblings. As the title says... ramblings! Location: Chennai.

Vishal Khapre. Born on April 17, 1978. Location: Ohio, USA.

VJ of Me Lange. Location: Chennai.

VS Babu's of Babu's. "Gluing passing thoughts to foregone conclusions". Likes music by Yanni and Pink Floyd, and French food. Location: Arlington VA, USA.

Venkat of Balasubramania’s Mania US raised Indian, mostly law, politics and some pop culture.

V Subhash of the Moral Volcano. Pitiless commentaries on current affairs. Location: Mumbai.

Venkatachalam Ramakrishnan of the Ultimate Reality. Student of IIM Lucknow who blogs about anything he finds interesting. Location: Lucknow.

Vasanth of mostly blogs about Formula one racing and technologies he works on. Originally from Tirunelvelli. Current location: Belgium.

Vidya of Kari Masala. Location: Australia.


OJ and the Adventures with Yard Boy. Location: USA.

Yazad Jal of AnarCapLib A log of his pet peeves, provocative observations and opinions. Location: Mumbai.

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