Sunday, December 25, 2011

Mahrukh Wishing For Online Friendship

Dear friends Mahrukh Hassan is one of our most beautiful friends from Esfahan. Mahrukh is student of 4th year. Her aim is to do masters in computer sciences. Mahrukh tells that after the completion of her studies, she would like to do something for her beloved country. Mahrukh spends most of her time using internet after the study sessions of college. She tells that she felt very happy when she visited our blog first time and instantly she decided to send her photo through our contact form to share it with our readers.
Mahrukh more tells she haven’t any friends online hitherto, but now she is thinking seriously about online friendship and would like to make friendship with only those persons, which will assure her their sincerity. Well friends if you are looking for friends like Mahrukh then prove yourself as a sincere man and enjoy…:)

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